In the interest of getting the thing off the dining room table, I cleared off a card table in the basement and moved the Cricut down there. Then I started trying to find an old PC that would drive it. (I was in "the industry" for 40 years so I've accumulated a lot of PCs.)
The old PC I used to use for the thing is toast. So I tried an old laptop that I THOUGHT I had once used with the Cricut.
Turns out that the old laptop that has a working version of Design Studio on it - Good.
But the software doesn't recognize my favorite cartridges - Bad
The version of Sure Cuts-a-Lot on that device (one I actually bought and paid for) no longer works - Bad
I ordered a "new in the box" copy of "Sure Cuts-a-Lot" 2.0 that should work with the thing.
Basically, I have about six projects I want to use if for:
Creating the headers for the "blackboard" timetable for my 1:1: railroad station mockup.
Lettering multiple garden railroad cars for my personal railroad.
Lettering one of my G-scale locomotives' tenders for Polar Express.
Multiple craft projects that Shelia would like to try.
For those who haven't been in the loop the 1:1 railroad station mockup is a project I'm working on in one end of our detached garage that the previous owner left looking like a bomb went off. I want to have a place to take photos of projects I'm working on, maybe videos of banjo lessons, and other entirely miscellaneous things.
Here is a "mockup" I made of what I envisioned last spring.
back_wall_800.jpg [ 48.74 KiB | Viewed 16079 times ]
Here's the project so far (still missing the schedule board and the ticket booth)
the_wall_w_clock_n_windows_hung_800.jpg [ 74.17 KiB | Viewed 16079 times ]
Details of how much work it took and how I painted the windowframes start with this article: ... part_1.htm