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Our provider GoDaddy has refused to help with several issues. So I tried to fix it myself
by resetting the entire site back two days, but it didn't help. We're contacting GoDaddy again.
Not a company I would recommend for this sort of thing at this point.

Sorry. I'll update when I know more.
- Paul

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 Post subject: Variations
PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:16 am 
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Joined: Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:17 pm
Posts: 807
Location: Portland OR
I'm constantly amazed by all the variations on the same house. These two houses in the pics are variations from the Jan 2007 house found in the Fair Set on Papa Teds site. The one on the monitor behind my two is the Fair set house blown up large.
The smaller house is missing it's tree. It also never had any pillars in the front and over time the whole house has slumped forward a bit. I believe the larger one to be the size in the Fair set, but its base is slightly taller and larger than the 10th Ave Angel house found in the same set.
I love that the windows were all hand punched out. The Fair set house has more windows than mine. Mine must have been made later in the day after the craftsman was getting tired. :)

Salt and Pepper house.jpg
Salt and Pepper house.jpg [ 164.63 KiB | Viewed 9102 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: Variations
PostPosted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:42 pm 

Joined: Tue Nov 01, 2011 11:05 am
Posts: 447
I found this to be true of the FAIR set. I have a couple of the same houses. One has two trees and a slightly smaller one with one tree. This is the one that is blue house with red roof and has a dormer with what can only be described as a hood scoop on the roof. However the marks on the bottom are indeed identical. One can assume that they produced a couple of variations of this set as a marketing plow. The ones with the dual trees being a bit bigger and slightly higher in price. What are the export marks on yours like?

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 Post subject: Re: Variations
PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:24 am 
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Joined: Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:17 pm
Posts: 807
Location: Portland OR
That is interesting Tom. The bigger house I have is more impressive for sure. The import marks on my big one are gone, somebody put a hole up through the bottom, for what I can only assume was to light it up differently. The mark on the small house is a purple MIJ stamp that has be badly water damaged. On the 10th Ave house it looked like it had a paper label, but it had been tore off, so it could have been a stamp there and price tag over it. The smaller house also looks like it sold for $.41 but someone scribbled over it.

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