Christmas holly bar graphic

Note: This is an archive of "Papa" Ted Althof's online tribute to cardboard Christmas "putz" houses and their history. At Ted's request, this archive was established in early 2012. Except for critical updates and announcements, it will remain as Ted left it in October, 2012.
For more information, please scroll to the bottom of the page.

Christmas holly bar graphic

Christmas holly bar graphic

Note from Editor: One of Ted's greatest disappointments was that he was never able to put a book together about his discoveries. But to be fair, when he first had the book idea, he was only aware of a tenth of what was out there. By the time he had been publishing his discoveries on the internet for 6 years, he realized that he would never be able to interest anyone in a book as large as his would have to be. So this was a way for him to get the information into the hands of readers. It was also a way for him to think about his "legacy" going on no matter what happened to the site. Needless to say, the CDs are no longer available, although his legacy is surving in this archive at least. - Paul Race, 2012

Papa Ted's Place on CD

Website CD picture

Ted was frequently asked: "When is the book coming out?" But, since no publishers have been forthcoming, he did make CD's of his site available on request. To Ted, having the CD's available also meant that the site would "live on" in some format after he was gone, something he also attempted to accomplish by asking Paul Race to keep the site alive in this archive.

To our knowledge, Ted never sold more than a handful of these. They are no longer available, but we're keeping this page online as part of the archive.

For information about this site, please contact us at:

Copyright 2000-2012 Theodore H. Althof,Jr.Except where noted, the contents of this website and all it's pages and submissions therein contained are the intellectual property of Theodore H.Althof,Jr. All rights are reserved. (Background musical selections are,of course, excepted.)

Note: This archive was set up at Ted's request in early 2012, and, except for critical updates and
announcements, will remain as Ted left it in October, 2012.
The archive is kept online with the help of volunteers from:

Visit the FamilyChristmasOnline site for Christmas music, stories, craft resources and much more.
Visit the OldChristmasTreeLights site for the history of Christmas tree lighting, including Bubble Lights and more.
Visit our collection of resources for collecting, restoring, and making your own cardboard Christmas houses.
Visit Howard Lamey's glitterhouse gallery, with free project plans, graphics, and instructions.
Check out  a very active, quality craft and collectibles blog (with local news of Croton NY).
Resources for making seasonal villages and model railroads for O, S, and On30 model railroading